Learn more about what Sansum Diabetes Research Institute has been up to this month!
May 2021 Highlights:
- Wearable glucose monitors shed light on progression of type 2 diabetes in Hispanic/Latino adults
- A study by SDRI and Rice University points to new directions for improved diabetes care. View the findings here.
- Meeting with Rep. Salud Carbajal to discuss important diabetes initiatives
- Along with JDRF, Katie Haq, Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications at SDRI, met with Congressman Salud Carbajal to discuss insulin coverage, affordability, and chocie for T1D therapies.
- Save the Date: 14th Annual Taste of the Vine, August 21, 2021. Learn more: https://sansum.org//taste-of-the-vine-2021/
- Youth-led program launched at SDRI aimed to improve the health of our community
- Veggie IQ, a program of SDRI, aims to excite young people to become Santa Barbara’s first Youth Scientists. Youth Scientists will use science and technology to highlight the important links between good food and good physical and mental well-being while ending the health inequalities faced by many young people in America today.
- Ocho Pasos series completed
- April 15th marked the final class in the latest Ocho Pasos series. This was SDRI’s third series conducted virtually.
- Type 1 diabetes research study
- T1D Exchange has a mission to better understand living with Type 1 Diabetes, enhanced by its diversity. Different voices, different stories, different backgrounds from people like you! Join the T1D Exchange Registry, and drive research that matters!
- Do you have a plan?
- To assist you with making or updating your future plans, we can provide you with our free planning guide. Many of our supporters have found this guide useful in helping them think through their goals. To obtain a copy, please contact Teri Creath, Planned Giving Manager at tcreath@sansum.org or 805-419-1338.
- We are recruiting for a new clinical research trial
- SDRI is recruiting for an upcoming pediatric clinical trial for kids between 2-17 years old, and with type 1 diabetes. If you are interested in learning more please email Nina Shelton at nshelton@sansum.org.
- Make a difference this Mother’s Day
- Shop for gifts at smile.amazon.com/ch/95-1684086 to generate donations for Sansum Diabetes Research Institute.