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Board of trustees

James Sloan


Matthew Rowe

Vice President

Flint Ogle


Elena Engel


Miguel Avila

Daniel Berger, MD

Anthony Castillo

Daren Dickerson

Joan Arnold

Lindsey Duca, PsyD

Lynn Fitzgibbons, MD

Yvette Giller

Steven Jung, Esq

Norman Kurland

Robert Nagy, MD

Michael Paskin

Wendy Thies Sell

Mark Wilson, MD

trustees emeritus

George Burtness

William Burtness

Alex DePaoli, MD

Robert Logan, MD

Lowell McLellan, MD

Gordon Sprague

Pierre Wiltzius, PhD

adjunct and emeritus investigators

Eleonora Aiello, PhD
Adjunct Investigator
John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University

Josiane Laure Broussard
Department of Health and Exercise Science,
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO

Francis J Doyle III, PhD
Senior Adjunct Investigator
Dean, John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University

Adjunct Investigator
Department of Statistics and Applied Probability
University of California, Santa Barbara

Dr. Emily Jacobs, PhD
Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences
Neuroscience Research Institute
University of California, Santa Barbara

Alan Kwan, MD
Department of Cardiology
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Los Angeles, CA

Julia Lopez, PhD
Department of Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO

Rachyl Pines, PhD
Stanford Health Care
Stanford University Medical Center
Palo Alto, CA

Miriam Jacome Sosa, PhD
Department of Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO

Your tax-deductible gift is carefully utilized to support our mission at Sansum Diabetes Research Institute to improving the lives of those impacted by diabetes through research, education, and care.

Looking for other ways to give? You can use your Donor Advised Funds, make a Planned Gift, or give a Gift of Stock.

You can also make a Memorial Donation or a Tribute Donation.

If you have any questions regarding your donation please call Kara Hornbuckle at (805)722-5603.

If would prefer to mail your donation, please mail to:
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute
2219 Bath Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93105


Temporary Location
5425 Hollister Ave, Suite 230
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

Phone: 805-682-7638
Fax: 805-682-3332
Patient Care: 805-682-4793

Tax ID # 95-1684086 

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