Strategic Promotions Drive Innovation and Patient Care in Diabetes Research
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute (SDRI) is pleased to announce the promotion of four esteemed employees to pivotal leadership roles.
Gratitude for Generosity: Brian and Kate Groat’s Journey with SDRI
Living with type 1 diabetes for over 30 years, Kate wanted to be proactive in minimizing any risks or health complications when planning for her first pregnancy.
SDRI Honors Safe Motherhood Week
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute (SDRI) proudly joins the global observance of Safe Motherhood Week, a campaign dedicated to raising awareness about maternal health issues and promoting safe pregnancy and childbirth practices.
Empowering Diabetes Research: Marissa’s Story of Advocacy and Adventure
Marissa was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2005 at age 9, and she vividly remembers her childhood best friend being the only one who was genuinely excited about the diagnosis.
Dr. Castorino Discusses SDRI’s Pioneering Work in Diabetes in Pregnancy | KEYT/News Channel 3-12
Catch Dr. Castorino, Senior Research Physician at SDRI, as she shares groundbreaking insights into diabetes management during pregnancy live on air with KEYT.
Surviving Diabetes Amidst Conflict: Anton’s Journey from Simferopol to SDRI
Anton, born and raised in Simferopol, Crimea in Ukraine, is a remarkable man who learned how to survive through civil unrest and war while living with type 1 diabetes.
Your tax-deductible gift is carefully utilized to support our mission at Sansum Diabetes Research Institute to improving the lives of those impacted by diabetes through research, education, and care.
Looking for other ways to give? You can use your Donor Advised Funds, make a Planned Gift, or give a Gift of Stock.
You can also make a Memorial Donation or a Tribute Donation.
If you have any questions regarding your donation please call Kara Hornbuckle at (805)722-5603.
If would prefer to mail your donation, please mail to:
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute
2219 Bath Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Temporary Location
5425 Hollister Ave, Suite 230
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Phone: 805-682-7638
Fax: 805-682-3332
Patient Care: 805-682-4793
Tax ID # 95-1684086