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American Diabetes Association recognizes SDRI’s Exemplary Diabetes Programs.

Sansum Diabetes Research Institute (SDRI) has earned national accreditation by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for excellence in providing diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES), critical elements of care for the 30 million Americans living with diabetes and the more than 114 million Americans at risk for developing the condition.

SDRI exceeds the many requirements for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support including having qualified educators and staff with continuing education and experience in diabetes education, as well as a comprehensive diabetes self-management education curriculum that addresses each of the seven self-care behaviors set forth by the American Association of Diabetes Educators.

Jamie Creason, Director of Education at SDRI noted that “Diabetes education is fundamental to the management of type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. So much of diabetes is managed on a day to day basis by the patients themselves and influences every aspect of their lives. The ADA accreditation is recognition of the caliber of our evidence-based education programming and lends credibility to our many education services here at SDRI. Participation in DSMES has been shown to lower A1c by 1-2%, which is comparable to the A1c reduction potential of most medications available for diabetes on the market.”

SDRI’s many diabetes education programs include a Nutrition and Diabetes Self-Management Education series in English and a culturally-appropriate Spanish language Nutrition and Diabetes Self-Management Education series ‘Ocho Pasos’, as well as monthly cooking classes in both English and Spanish. SDRI also offers a training program for promotores, otherwise known as community health workers, to become ‘especialistas’ in diabetes education and research. DSMES also requires a support component to diabetes care and management, which is addressed through our monthly diabetes support group OneTalk, type 1 diabetes family networking events, mentorship program, and outside referrals. If you would like to learn more about our program and/or would like to join an upcoming group, please contact:


  • Alicia Michelson for DPP and DSMES offered in English: or 805.682.7640 ext. 221
  • Mary Conneely for DSMES ‘Ocho Pasos’ offered in Spanish: or 805.682.7640 ext. 228
  • Katie Haq for OneTalk, T1D Mentorship, and T1D Family Networking Events: or 805.682.7640 ext. 235